Tools & templates

Tools and templates to produce new REScoop materials.

Basic Microsoft Powerpoint template

A basic Microsoft Powerpoint template for producing REScoop presentations.

All slides, stylings and colour schemes in this template are designed to match the REScoop brand.
The Raleway font needs to be installed before you open the template.

File Use and filetype
REScoop_template.potx On screen

Basic Microsoft Word template

A basic Microsoft Word template for producing REScoop presentations.

All paragraph styles, one table style and header/footer layout are designed to match the REScoop brand.
The Raleway font needs to be installed before you open the template.

File Use and filetype Print design

Business Cards template

An Adobe inDesign file for updating and producing REScoop business cards.
You'll need the latest version of Adobe CC to open these files.
The Raleway font needs to be installed before you open the template.

Make no other changes than the content/text. Keep the formatting as is to stay consistent with already produced business cards.

For print production:

The cards are 85x55mm.
Pdf settings: PDF/X-1a:2001, with 3mm bleed. Save every page of the template as a separate pdf.
Or use the settings or specifications required by the printing company.

Business cards
File Use and filetype Print design