Project logos

REScoop Projects logos

The REScoop project logos are a derivation of the logo.
We've built a logo system that makes it easy to quickly keep creating logos for every new REScoop project.

The more consistently a logo is used, the stronger the recognisability of the brand becomes. To achieve this, always use the logo files listed below and follow the rules for good application.

Logo system

Every (new) project logo consists of:

  1. a white, custom project symbol set in a coloured square
  2. the REScoop logo, without ".EU"
  3. a project name, set in 'small caps'
  4. a project colour (from the REScoop brand colours) used in the square and the project name

Every new project logo must follow this system and its proportions, but be as unique as possible.

Project logos

REScoop MECISE project logo

Symbol concept: connected people

Project colour: REScoop Light Blue (see brand colours page for reference)

Project mecise
File Use and filetype
REScoop-project-MECISE.pdf Print design
REScoop-project-MECISE.jpg On screen
REScoop-project-MECISE.png On screen

REScoop VPP project logo

Symbol concept: internet connected home

Project colour: REScoop Purple (see brand colours page for reference)

Project VPP
File Use and filetype
REScoop-project-VPP.pdf Print design
REScoop-project-VPP.jpg On screen
REScoop-project-VPP.png On screen

Energy Community Platform

The standard logo of the Energy Community Platform logo is green. It should be placed on white backgrounds.

The white and black versions can be used when it is not possible to place the standard logo on a white background.

The symbol can be used as a secondary branding option or for small/compact circular or square areas, like social media avatars of favicons.

ECP logo 01 copy
File Use and filetype
ECP-logo-standard.png On screen
ECP-logo-standar.pdf Print design
ECP-logo-black.png On screen
ECP-logo-black.pdf Print design
ECP-logo-white.png On screen
ECP-logo-white.pdf Print design
ECP-symbol-standard.png On screen
ECP-symbol-standard.pdf Print design
ECP-symbol-black.png On screen
ECP-symbol-black.pdf Print design
ECP-symbol-white.png On screen
ECP-symbol-white.pdf Print design
ECP-icons.pdf Print design